Julie Stockwell, a lifelong champion of public education, is dedicated to ensuring all students receive equal opportunities for success. With decades of experience as a high school teacher, coach, and educational leader, she understands that each student has unique learning needs.

As a committed Deer Valley Unified School District community member for over 40 years, Julie is eager to bring her experience and passion to the school board to foster open dialogue, celebrate successes, and collaboratively address challenges for a brighter future.

Julie is Working Toward a Brighter Future for our Students

Advancing Deer Valley's Educational Excellence

Stockwell is dedicated to advancing Deer Valley’s legacy of educational excellence. She is committed to recognizing and supporting what works well in our communities while identifying gaps and implementing effective strategies to bridge them. By nurturing success and thoughtfully addressing challenges, Julie aims to create a more inclusive, supportive environment for all students.

Strengthening Our Educator Community

Recruiting and retaining exceptional teachers and staff who understand children’s needs is a top priority. Julie believes in empowering educators to design and implement effective educational plans that cater to each student’s unique requirements. She is dedicated to building a team that nurtures every student’s growth and success.

Fostering Safe School Environments

Stockwell is committed to providing schools that are safe and supportive for all children and adults, both physically and emotionally. She believes in creating secure learning environments where every individual feels valued and protected, ensuring that students and staff can thrive in their academic and personal journeys.

Fiscal Responsibility and Policy Compliance

Julie is focused on ensuring Deer Valley continues to operate within fiscal statutes while updating school and staff policies to reflect changing laws. She is dedicated to responsible governance that balances legal compliance with the district’s educational goals, securing a strong and sustainable future.

Meet Julie Stockwell: Dedicated Advocate for Public Education

Julie Stockwell has always believed in public education. She holds a degree in secondary education from the University of Arizona and a master’s in educational leadership from Arizona State University. With this strong academic foundation, Julie spent her career teaching high school, coaching sports, sponsoring clubs, and serving on various school, district, and state committees. These decades of experience taught her that every student has unique learning needs and that it’s crucial to develop a diverse set of programs to meet them fairly.

Julie and her husband have four grown children who now have families of their own. They’re all pleased with the public schools their kids attend. Visiting their children and grandchildren is a joy, but community service has always been a priority. Julie has volunteered with nonprofit organizations like Habitat for Humanity, the Arizona Animal Welfare League, and Chances for Children. She’s also stayed involved in education as a substitute teacher in several classrooms. These experiences have sharpened her understanding that we all simply want the best for our families.

For Julie, serving as a school board member in the Deer Valley Unified School District, where she has lived for over 40 years, would be an honor. With public schools facing challenges in funding and support, she knows we need experienced, thoughtful, and collaborative people to celebrate the district’s successes while addressing issues that need open and honest conversation. Julie is eager to serve the community in this trusted role.

Connect with Julie Stockwell

Have questions about Julie’s campaign or ideas for strengthening Deer Valley Unified School District? Want to volunteer or share your support? Julie would love to hear from you! She believes that community involvement is vital to shaping the future of education. Join the conversation and let’s work together to ensure every student thrives.

Reach out today to ask questions, share your insights, or discover how you can volunteer. Every voice matters, and your input will help Julie bring positive change to our schools!